Who Should Own A Digital Billboard? 

With very little down you can leverage residual income for 20, 30, 40 years or more with extremely high yields.

Business Owners

Take control of your advertising dollars, turn your liabilities into assets.

Property Owners

Your property may be worth more with a billboard than a commercial building with 16X ad rate collected every month,

What Billboard Should I Own? 

The first question is how do I choose the correct digital screen. The answer to that needs the distance of your viewer from the actual screen. When working with digital you deal in pixel spacing. these are measured in the distance between the center of one pixel to the next pixel. Standing close requires a higher resolution or less distance between pixels. Below is the suggested resolution for each distance.

  • 10-Year Manufacturers Warranty
  • Spare parts package
  • VideoStar™ cloud-based content management software to manage your display from anywhere in the world (and even from your smartphone) - click here for a video demo of our VideoStar software
  • VideoStar™ software training and support
  • HeatSink™ technology to enable brightest LED in the industry without over-driving LED
  • Daysensor™ automatic dimming technology to increase LED life longevity
  • TempurZone™ internal temperature regulator (cooling & heating) to promote sign longevity
  • WeatherPro™ high-grade aluminum cabinets featuring IP68-rated SMD LED modules to promote sign longevity
  • VandelGuard™ protruding grill face to protect against vandalism
  • Lifetime expert technical support

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